ЗӀилбухера ХӀириче

Рувики материал
Europe Location South Ossetia.svg

ЗӀилбухера ХӀириче, иштта официальни Респу́блика ЗӀилбухера ХӀириче (Венсуэл, Никарагуа, Науру), цхьа долча даькъе къоабалъяь ПМР, НКР, ДНР, ЛНР[3].

Flag of South Ossetia.svg Coat of arms of South Ossetia.svg


  1. «Partial recognition can come in different degrees through official recognition by any number of UN member states, with or without the agreement of all the UNSC permanent members, and the number is maybe some guide to the strength of the case.», The Struggle for a Civilised Wider European Order, стр. — 19, CEPS Working Document No. 307/October 2008, Michael Emerson — Associate Senior Research Fellow no Centre for European Policy Studies|Centre for European Policy Studies|en|Centre for European Policy Studies}}
  2. Frederik Coene. Territorial division, government and administration. The Caucasus. An introduction. New York. Routledge, 2009. С. 38
  3. РИА Новости, 28.01.2015